Running today!

This morning, I woke up at exactly 7 AM and decided to go for an hour long run.

I had only one hour until getting ready for work, so I got up, put on my running shoes

and ran for 27 minutes. IT WAS HARD.



Los estiramientos y el fitness

Muy Bueno!

cuerpos perfectos

la foto (1)Hay muchas circunstancias que tienen que ver con la flexibilidad corporal. Y tan es así, que existen factores internos tan importantes como factores externos que no se deben pasar por alto. Lo que debemos buscar en todo momento son los mejores momentos para estirar los músculos y las articulaciones. No es algo que pueda considerarse como secundario para practicar el fitness. Buena parte del éxito que tenga una persona en sus actividades de acondicionamiento físico tiene que ver principalmente con los estiramientos que utilice para aliviar las tensiones musculares. En la medida en la que cuidemos todos los detalles que afectan o benefician nuestro desarrollo atlético y deportivo, podremos obtener mejores resultados en el gimnasio o en el centro deportivo.

¿Cuáles son tales factores, esenciales para evitar problemas musculares o en las articulaciones? En este caso tenemos, por ejemplo, la hora del día, la temperatura corporal, y las condiciones ambientales…

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Zumba kicked my butt!

My zumba class was amazing! It was something fun and fresh try !

If you have never tried this before, here is what to expect:

”Zumba is a fitness class that combines dance and fitness moves.  Inspired by Latin dance and music, Zumba uses a variety of styles in its routines, including Cumbia, Merengue, salsa, reggaeton, mambo, rumba, flamenco, and a hip hop. Music selections include both fast and slow rhythms to help tone and sculpt the body. You could burn between 350 to 900 calories PER class, if you try really hard.”

I had to do new dance moves I didn’t think I would ever do!  Strong movements and exciting loud music! I am done for today! Fun ! Fun! Fun!


Trying something new!


I will be trying out different ways to exercise. The goal here is to be up and going! The question is… how can I do this?

Going to the gym everyday gets a little boring for me, so I thought about trying out a different routine. I will be going to different workout classes, different types of workouts such as, Zumba, Spinning, Pole Dancing and even Crossfit! Aside from my regular cardio and weight lifting.